Damn cats!

So, Figaro has ring worm. We got back from Sarah’s sister’s Sunday and he had a patch of nasty skin. We did some research online and it appeared to be ring

Gaming! Yay! Gaming! Boo!

First, the good news. After many years I am going to be playing Dungeons & Dragons again! I’m really quite psyched. I was told the best type of character to create for

Real not being treated fairly by Apple

Real says Apple is not being playing fair by refusing to license it’s FairPlay DRM technology. FairPlay is what keeps you from giving the music you buy from the iTunes Music Store

Victory at 88.3 MHz!

Huzzah! Finally, after searching and searching I found it. If I tune my crappy ass FM transmitter for my iPod to 88.3 I can get from home to work (and back!) in

Good Apple, bad Apple

I had fun with Apple products this weekend. A few weeks ago my little brother ordered a new iPod from Apple. I have been wanting to get Sarah a green iPod Mini for