WI GOP Working on Their Dick Moves

The Wisconsin State Senate GOP is doing there best to just be dicks now. Democratic staffers need to turn in time sheets to the majority leader, and the Sergeant at Arms and Chief

Protests From The State Capitol

Today I used some vacation time and walked to the capitol from my office on campus with camera in hand. I arrived shortly after 1:00 pm, which was a time when the

GOP Takes Latest Abortion Fight To The Tax Code

Another interesting bill introduced by the GOP House. HR3 would make it nearly impossible to have an abortion covered by insurance. Any company that offers a health plan that could cover abortion would

Usher ripped off Homer Simpson?

Check out the startling similarity between Usher’s song OMG and Homer Simpson’s song in the episode Dude, Where’s My Ranch? from season 14 of The Simpsons. Shocking. Seen on Kottke.