I Made Beer (and its good!)
A little over three weeks ago I started my first home brew. I started with a kit from Wine & Hop Shop in Madison. I chose their Badger Dark Ale. With some equipment on loan from my friend Matt I was off!
Here are some pictures from the brewing process:

The beer fermented for one week, then I transferred it to a secondary fermentor. After week in the secondary fermentor I bottle it with the help of my son Jack.
It’s only been 10 days since bottling but I could not wait any longer. Last night I had my first taste. I was really nervous that the beer would not get good enough carbonation. Jack helped film me taking the first taste.
[sublimevideo class=”sublime” poster=”http://frodo.sterlinganderson.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/IMadeBeer1.jpg” src1=”http://frodo.sterlinganderson.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/IMadeBeer1.m4v” width=”450″ height=”253″]