First Day of School

See the full gallery on posterousNoah and Jack started school last Tuesday. It was a pretty big day, as it was Jack’s first day of Kindergarten. Noah, of course, is an old pro by now being in the third grade. She was excited to get back to her friends and was ready to help her little brother get used to things. Jack was very excited leading up to the big day. We could tell he was starting to get a little nervous, but he was playing it tough. Out at the bus stop the first day all the other kids got on and Jack came back for one last hug from Sarah and me. He then turned to Sarah and asked if he could have just one more kiss. He was so cute. He shed a couple tears, but Sarah walked him up to the bus. He got on, and sat next to his big sister. Both kids made it through their first day and when we asked Jack how it went, his reply was “Great!” The next day Jack got on the bus with a little less trepidation, and school went great again. The week went excellent for both kids, other than Noah having to come home early Friday because of a minor lower intestinal disturbance.