Enable SSH on macOS via Workspace ONE
SSH can be enabled through Workspace ONE using Provisioning. I’ve adapted the information on setting up SSH via Munki found here.
Create a Custom Attribute Profile
The first step is to get the status of SSH on your clients. Create a Custom Attribute profile in Workspace ONE. This profile then needs to be assigned to devices on which you want to enable SSH.

The Bash script below will check SSH on assigned systems and report back one of five possible values:
- SSH is off
- access set to ‘All Users’
- no group ‘com.apple.access_ssh’
- admin not in com.apple.access_ssh
SSH enabled
PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/munki export PATH
# Edit this variable with your local admin user name! admin_user=”admin”
# Is SSH enabled if [[$(systemsetup -getremotelogin) = ‘Remote Login: Off’]]; then echo ‘SSH is off’ exit 0 fi
# Does a group named “com.apple.access_ssh” exist? if [[$(dscl /Local/Default list /Groups | grep “${ssh_group}-disabled” | wc -l) -eq 1]]; then echo “access set to ‘All Users’” exit 0 elif [[$(dscl /Local/Default list /Groups | grep “$ssh_group” | wc -l) -eq 0]]; then echo “no group ‘$ssh_group’” exit 0 fi
# does the group contain the admin group? admin_uuid=$(dsmemberutil getuuid -U $admin_user) if [[$(dscl /Local/Default read Groups/com.apple.access_ssh GroupMembers | grep “$admin_uuid” | wc -l) -eq 0]]; then echo ${admin_user} not in $ssh_group exit 0 fi
echo “SSH enabled” exit 0
Create a new Provisioning Component File/Action
Next, a new provisioning component needs to be created to perform the SSH enable. The component is a Files/Actions component.

I’ve split the command out in to three steps.
if [[$(systemsetup -getremotelogin) = 'Remote Login: Off']]; then /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin On; fi
if [[$(dscl /Local/Default list /Groups | grep "com.apple.access_ssh-disabled" | wc -l) -eq 1]]; then /usr/bin/dscl localhost change /Local/Default/Groups/com.apple.access_ssh-disabled RecordName com.apple.access_ssh-disabled com.apple.access_ssh; elif [[$(dscl /Local/Default list /Groups | grep "com.apple.access_ssh" | wc -l) -eq 0]]; then dseditgroup -o create -n "/Local/Default" -r "Remote Login Group" -T group com.apple.access_ssh; fi
if [[$(dscl /Local/Default read Groups/com.apple.access_ssh GroupMembers | grep "$(dsmemberutil getuuid -U $ADMIN)" | wc -l) -eq 0]]; then dseditgroup -o edit -n "/Local/Default" -a $ADMIN -t user com.apple.access_ssh; fi
The $ADMIN variable should be changed to your admin user in this last step.
Create the Product
Finally, a Product must be created to tie all this together.

Assign the product to devices or groups for which you want SSH enabled. The custom attribute profile will need to be assigned to these same groups.
An assignment rule must be created that checks the value of your custom attribute. Your Custom Attribute profile will be available to select as the Attribute/Application. The Rule Logic should be SSHstatus@AirWatchAgent <> 'SSH enabled'

Under Manifest click ADD. Action(s) To Perform should be File/Action - Install
Files/Actions should be macOS enable SSH (assuming you named the Action that)

Be sure to activate the Product. Any devices assigned should have SSH enabled for the admin user.